The Summer Art Box Gallery is being hosted again in various locations in the Daniel MacIntyre/St.Mathews Community. The Summer Art Box, also dubbed the "Hole in the Wall" Gallery is a small moving gallery that is designed to be set up as a temporary exhibit in spaces that don't normally house art. The idea is to share small works of art with people. The summer art box is the brain child of David Churchill and Frank Livingston who first started the gallery after regularly passing an empty space in a brick wall in a neighbourhood back lane. The project spiraled successfully into a curated moving gallery that operates through art grants. Five artists for the 2016 summer season will be displaying their work at various locations in the West End in Winnipeg. The spaces range from inside businesses to on a fence in a back lane. Each piece is unique, stands on it's own, and is only displayed for one week each.
A small sculpture I completed inspired by my life as a mom will be on display for just one week. My sculpture is a simple tribute to the early emotions of becoming a mother. In those early days I was prepared for exhaustion, and some healing pain, but I wasn't prepared for the love. I nicknamed this my Mommy Oscar. My piece is being displayed at Pestyk's Vacuums located at 789 Sargent Ave from August 8-12, 2016.
