Nov 10, 2021
When Life Gives you Lemons...
I added a quick Video that shows my process of adding highlights to this painting. I love working with Karetake Gansai Tambi watercolour...

Oct 26, 2021
New Youtube channel!
I decided to start a youtube channel to feature time lapse painting videos, and things that I make. I've got several videos uploaded, and...

Apr 29, 2019
Front Cover
My image was used on the recent edition of Geez Magazine. Geez is going through some changes, as it is transitioning it's operations...

Apr 5, 2019
Faces - Shmaces
Images in my studio... I haven't made any if these funny painted stuffed creatures for a while. They used to be my creative outlet while...

Jan 27, 2019
Studio Space
I moved houses more than a year ago, and with that came a new art room. It's taken some time to feel like the space is my own, and for...

Jan 6, 2019
Cre8ery's Auxiliary Gallery
I dropped off load of art over at Cre8ery for their Auxillary gallery space today. It will be up for almost a month. The Auxillary...

Nov 1, 2018
50 to 500 Show
Urban Shaman Gallery is hosting it's annual members show. There is always a variety of art for sale, and usually some interesting stuff....

May 31, 2018
HaphazART Exhibition
I became a Cre8ery member and I'm pleased to have a few drawings in the HaphazART Exhibition. This will be a nice eclectic group show,...

Mar 15, 2018
Marker Drawings
Marker drawings... I would like to paint the top image in paint one day.

Jan 8, 2018
Some marker Drawings. Crayola super tips and pipsqueak markers are my favourite. They come in a variety of colours, and last a long...